The new ‘Modern’ Greenhouse from Janssens

The new ‘Modern’ Greenhouse from Janssens

A brand new model for 2017, the Modern Greenhouse does exactly what it says on the tin, it is a contemporary style Greenhouse. Available in 2.36m and 3.1m width models, this Greenhouse will be an exciting focal point in your Garden, a room to chill out in or warm up depending on the weather and a space in which to enjoy the company of your plants or drink a glass of wine depending on your inclination.

Launch of the new Janssens Brochure

We are delighted with the new Janssens brochures which have just been made available. The main brochure which is some 64 pages long includes some of the photos of Greenhouses that we have built, it is a vertiable feast for the eyes, the problem will be deciding which Greenhouse as they are all lovely.


Janssens also have a small brochure that presents the range of special offer models – rather unusually named ‘Action Models’, these Greenhouses which have limited options and so benefit from efficiencies in production represent particularly good value for money.
