May- Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head!

Our frequent rainfall keeps Ireland green and beautiful. However, since you’ve built a glasshouse and blocked it out, now it is up to you to keep your plants hydrated!
Water, along with oxygen, sunlight and soil, is a basic need of all plants, even though their requirements can vary considerably. From one type of plant to another, from tiny seedling to full-grown, from pots to open soil, and from overcast days to sunny ones this job can keep you on your toes!
How Often?
There is no correct answer to this, but you want to keep your plants somewhere between waterlogged and parched! If the soil feels dry below the top inch or two, it is probably time to water. If plants start to droop or lower leaves begin to yellow they are too dry. When you see moulds and mildews appearing on the soil surface, it is likely too damp. Intuition for this develops quickly enough.
Morning vs. Evening
This is a point of debate. Most everyone agrees that in the heat of the day is not the best time to water. However, if a plant is wilting or is a tiny seedling drying out, it is always better to water than let the plant suffer damage or death. The advantage of evening watering, particularly in very warm weather, is that the moisture can be retained overnight and will evaporate the next day once the heat soars again. The advantage of morning watering is that if you have a hearty nocturnal slug and snail population you can discourage them from slithering along on moist soil munching all of your plants overnight by keeping things at their driest then.
Manual vs. Automatic
This is another point of debate and probably something in between is ideal. Automated systems can be put on a timer and adjusted throughout the season. This is ideal to cut down on time and effort, but it is always wise to monitor the situation and not fully depend on automation. Manually watering allows you to reach every plant and give more or less in specific situations, but it does require a dedication of more of your time. Greenhouse Ireland does supply irrigation equipment, including simple battery-powered automatic timers.

Overhead irrigation in action

Overhead vs. Underneath
Overhead watering, including overhead irrigation lines and the use of a hose, does have the advantage of washing down leaves like the rain. However, some plants work better with underneath watering, from watering a tray under a pot to using capillary mats or low-level drip lines. Reason for this vary, but this often suits plants that are prone to mildews or blight from remaining damp or leaves that scorch from being watered in the sunlight. In a protected structure where there can be less natural wind and ventilation, this is often an ideal solution. An example of this is using low-level drip lines for tomato plants to avoid blight or feeding potted cyclamen from a capillary mat to keep their leaves healthy.
Fadrip tube at work
In the winter, having a roof that keeps excess rain out is a great advantage to many plants. However, the surrounding areas outside the greenhouse moisten the areas near the edge, so this is something to bear in mind.
So, the next time it rains, enjoy the raindrops! They are little droplets supporting life!

April- Winds of Change

April can be quite a roller-coaster of weather events. Night-time frosts and heavy hail showers intertwined with beautifully warm sunny days keep the daily greetings interesting. However, these ever-changing conditions can be a challenge to manage in a greenhouse setting at a time when so many seedlings are just getting established. So, this month we will discuss ways to counter some of these extreme swings.

Ventilation to let in fresh air is essential in any greenhouse. Plants require a steady supply of CO2 as they turn it into oxygen, so they can’t exist long-term in a closed off environment. Ventilation can also be used to adjust the temperature and humidity.

Temperature requirements vary between plants, but as a rule of thumb night-time temperatures between 12 and 19C and day-time temperatures between 21 and 26C are considered optimal for growth. Once temperatures go beyond 29C plants can suffer distress. A simple thermometer can be useful in monitoring this.

Ways to increase night-time temperature include closing vents overnight (preferably before sunset) to retain the daytime heat. Covering sensitive plants with frost-protection fleece or bubble-wrap can further help retain heat and protect from overnight frost.

Ways to lower temperature during particularly warm or sunny days include opening all doors and vents, the use of fans or shade netting and watering the path or other solid areas. These processes can be automated by temperature-sensors or timers.

Too much humidity sets conditions for moulds and diseases, which can be lowered by simply allowing a better flow of air via ventilation.

Inadequate humidity is usually only an issue in Ireland during a heat wave but can still lead to plant distress. Adding moisture by watering is the obvious antidote. Since day-time watering can lead to sun-scorch, watering is best done either in the morning or in the evening. But in intense heat, watering the ground or solid surfaces during the day can be useful to both slightly lower the temperature and increase humidity.

Glasshouses receive fresh air through doors, roof vents or side vents which can be easily automated. Ceiling fans can also be fitted.

Fortunately, plants are resilient enough to withstand natural fluctuations in conditions. So, with a little bit of extra care, they can really thrive in the enhanced environment provided by your greenhouse. And so can you!

March- Propagation time!

It’s March and high time to start some seeds! Here are a few tips for success.

    1)Unless you are sowing directly into the soil, having a bench that is the correct height is a must. This saves your back and also allows you better precision when sowing tiny seeds that are difficult to see.

    2) Next, follow the instructions on the packet. Not all seeds are sown in the same way.

    3) There are several factors involved in triggering a seed to germinate. These include light, temperature and moisture. At this time of year, the temperature is too low for certain seeds, so using a heating mat or heating cables in sand can speed up germination, resulting in a stronger plant.

    4) It is a good idea to label everything clearly as you go along. This can avoid confusion later on when the little darlings start to emerge and you don’t know who is who! It is also a good idea to record when and what you sow in a notebook or diary for future reference.

    5) A seed is a tiny miracle that contains everything it needs for life. However, once the outer coat has been broken down, the emerging seedling is very vulnerable until it has formed sufficient root to acquire moisture and nutrition for itself. At this stage it is vital that it isn’t allowed to dry out. Here are some ways to ease your seedlings through this delicate stage:

      *Pre-water the growing medium well.

      *Partially cover seed trays with polythene or glass (allowing some air flow) to retain moisture.

      *Gentler forms of watering such as using a watering can with a rose, overhead irrigation, drip lines or capillary matting are
      preferable to using a garden hose on young plants. (Of course, the more vigorous plants like peas and beans will withstand much more than a delicate cactus seedling.)

    6) Did you know that keeping your young plants up on shelving isn’t just for convenience? It also serves to protect them from pesky mollusks. Yes, slugs and snails. They love damp, dark corners to hide in during the day, saving their energy to come out and graze all night. So, keep your root babies as far away from them as you can!

    Best of luck to everyone who is setting out to sow seeds for the first time or the 50th time!

February- Is it Spring yet?

As the days start to get longer, a new season is here and signs of life are starting to appear all around us. The sight of snowdrops and daffodils remind us that the years march on regardless of what else is happening in the world around us.
On beautiful days when the sun gives that early spring glow we can feel that the year has turned and are tempted to sow something. The reality is, though, that we can still have plenty of wintery weather ahead of us at this stage and it is too early to start anything without protection.
This is the time of year where a greenhouse really shines. As the sun comes out, there is a bit more heat and gentle growth in your glasshouse. With a heated seed bed, you can begin to start your tomatoes, peppers, lobelia, lettuce, onion or pea plants. If you are into bedding plants, you can start lobelia, salvia or sweet pea. Electric heaters or frost protection fleece will help protect your young seedlings from the elements even further.
It is also at this time of year that having a well-built glasshouse really pays off. There is nothing as discouraging as seeing all your young plants destroyed by a toppled greenhouse after a windy night.
That is why our Griffin and Janssen greenhouses are built to last and withstand the unpredictable Irish weather to give you peace of mind.
So enjoy the season and being one step ahead of the elements!

January- A Time to Plan


January is a quiet time in the garden and an ideal opportunity to take a break. However, it is also possibly the most exciting time of the year because it’s time to plot and plan for the coming year. When we make plans, we are filled with hope and excitement. The plants, flowers, or vegetables that we plan to grow are always perfect in our plans. We all know the best of plans can go a bit awry at times but looking forward to a new season is always exciting!

Some people don’t plan as much as others. Your year may be informed by an impromptu garden centre visit and what catches your fancy there. And that is, of course, how we discover new things and embark on new journeys. But planning has its uses, too.

First, I would look at what it is you wish to reap from your greenhouse or garden. Is it flowers? Your favourite salad items? Something exotic? Make a list of what you would like, and then check to see if it is viable to grow here. The beauty of a greenhouse, especially with extra treatments such as a heated bed, frost protective fleece or shade netting, is that the possibilities are greatly increased. Then it is time to look for seed or planting material. You may be able to source them locally, but there is also an astonishing variety of seed available online. You could wow your friends and neighbours with unusually coloured varieties of tomatoes, French beans, courgettes or even strawberries that you would not find in your local supermarket. There is nothing like salad leaves, spinach or sugar snap peas that have just been freshly harvested from your own glasshouse. Fresh bouquets of aromatic sweet pea or carnation on your table are a luxury you can easily enjoy with a bit of foresight.

Don’t forget to look at the final size of what you are going to grow, including the height. Also, some plant combinations make better companions than others. For instance, tomatoes work well with garlic (to repel aphids) or basil (to improve flavour) but won’t thrive as well next to fennel or kale.

So, it’s time to get out your pen and paper, plot out your area and start dreaming! Then make your dreams a reality. Life is an adventure and so is gardening!

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